Our full team gathered today to prepare for the new school year. Thanks to Tommy Stauffer (class of 2020) and Doug Kirk (class of 2002) for reminding us of our why and the impact of our legacy! #HornetStrong #StingersUp

Senior Evelyn Waltz reminded us today of our WHY as our staff ramps-up to the 2021-2022 school year. Thanks Evelyn for a terrific message!!! #StingersUp #HornetStrong

Join our new Cory-Rawson administrators at the C-R boosters' food tent Wednesday at 5pm! #StingersUp #HornetStrong

At tonight's football game, we formally thanked the Powell family for their generous investment in our school athletic facilities, which will benefit Hornet fans for years to come!!! #StingersUp #HornetStrong

A great start to our ramp-up days to the 2021-2022 school year! Our staff heard from C-R alum Natalie (Cupples) Pickering, PhD as we focused on our WHY. #HornetStrong #StingersUp

Ohio Alerts, the text messaging platform our district has used in the past has been discontinued. We are creating a common platform for all district communications. Sign up here BY FRIDAY 8/26/21! https://forms.gle/9AdJtShCTEbV27Vi8

SOS volunteers are hard at work sorting student supplies today! #HornetStrong

CRES Meet the Teacher Night is Monday 8/30! Last names A-L 5-6pm and M-Z 6-7pm. #HornetStrong

The Cory-Rawson Senior Class of 2022 has begun to raise funds for their Senior Class Trip! They are selling raffle tickets for a chance to win TWO Ohio State vs Maryland Football Tickets. The winner will be announced on Friday, September 24th. The OSU game will be Saturday, October 9th. See a 2022 SENIOR or the High School Office to get your raffle tickets!
1 for $10, 3 for $20, or 7 for $50. Value of the 2 OSU vs Maryland Football Tickets is $174.00

We celebrated a successful elementary summer academy with bowling today! Great work over the last two weeks, Hornets!!! #StingersUp

What a great day to be a Hornet!!! #CommUNITY #HornetStrong #StingersUp

Kindergarten dates for the Class of 2034!
September 7-9: Individual screening sessions (kindergarten families will receive a mailing with details)
September 10: First day of kindergarten classes

The Federal free breakfast and lunch program continues for the 2021-22 school year - for children ages 4-18.

We're getting excited for the start of the 2021-2022 school year!!! #HornetStrong

The CARE program is sponsoring a free concert by Attaboy at Riverside Park in Findlay August 18 at 6:00pm.

Our elementary summer academy is off and running... including lunch and bus transportation! Our federal pandemic recovery funds were used for this program. #StingersUp

Working together for student success! Thanks to SOS and area churches for purchasing school supplies for all of our elementary students (grades K-6). Elementary families only need to provide student lunch box/bag, gym shoes, and a book bag. #HornetStrong

Families may be eligible for the Emergency Broadband Benefit. Check out the flyer for eligibility guidelines and application details!

Congratulations to the C-R class of 1970 as they celebrate their 50th reunion this weekend! Forever in our hearts, the Green and Gold! #StingersUp

Our 3rd-6th grade volleyball camp was an ACE! Great work Hornets!!! #StingersUp