Friday Additions:
- Congratulations to the Girls Basketball team for beating Vanlue 49-8 last night!
Thursday Additions:
- Congratulations to the High School Quiz Bowl team as they won three out of their four matches last night! So far for the year, the team is 5-2. Great job everyone!!
Wednesday Additions:
- Congratulations to the top classes in the canned food drive:
Fourth place - Ms. James - 600 Third place - Ms. Shumway- 880 Second place - Mrs. Altman - 1020 First place - Mrs. Bucher- 1080 Many thanks to all who donated food that will help the Salvation Army and CR families! - Attention Freshmen--Please take your old chromebook and charger to Mr. MacDonald in the robotics lab to be swapped out for a new device. Please do this during your study hall if possible.
Tuesday Additions:
- Seniors-
If you plan to attend college or a university next year, the Community Foundations Scholarships is one that you do not want to skip filling out. The process is an on-line application that will tie you to several scholarship opportunities. Please read your email from Mrs. Barnhart to find a link to join a webinar on December 2nd from 7-8pm on how to fill out the application. This will also be able to be viewed after the December 2nd date. The application opens on December 1st. Please visit for more information. - Support the CR Music Department by eating Chipotle! This Saturday, stop in to the new Chipotle on Trenton Ave from 4-8 PM and show them a flyer (available in the office--take a picture and save it on your phone) and 33% of your sale will be donated to the CR Music Boosters! Proceeds will benefit students going on the Florida trip in April.
- Attention Junior High Students: Do you have lots of random information? Are you looking for ways to shock and amaze others with this information? If so, join the club. The Junior High Quiz Bowl is gathering their team. You can email Mrs. Bils or sign up outside her door by the upstairs water fountain. Also, check your email for more information.
Monday Announcements:
- To all 7-12 students - please check your email for a survey about the last day before Christmas break and respond ASAP. Both student council groups will meet this Thursday during lunch in the upstairs commons area.
- Any student who is interested in participating in Indoor track this winter, please sign up outside of Mr. Holland's room.
- Jr High & High School Softball Pre Season starts November 29th Mondays 5:30-6:30 Weight Room ; Thursdays 6:30-8:30 Weight Room and open gym. IF you are a winter athlete, please stop in Nov. 29 to fill out paperwork--it will take 5 minutes. Any questions, please contact Coach Francis with questions.