Friday Additions:
- Mrs. Bils' classes will report to SH today. Mrs. Bils study halls are covered.
- Please take the time to fill out the marketing class survey in your email. Thanks for your participation and feedback.
- The canned food drive kicks off next MONDAY! The high school Hornet Strong groups will be competing to earn the most points and get a pizza party and a bowling outing! Points will be earned by bringing in high quality food items, and you can also sabotage other groups by adding certain items to their boxes. Fliers explaining the points systems will be posted by the boxes in the hallway outside the office and via school email. The drive ends on November 30th; please donate lots of food for the Salvation Army and boxes for Cory-Rawson families! Please see Mrs. Stockwell if you have any questions.
Thursday Additions:
- Fellowship of Christian Hornets will now meet today due to school closing yesterday! See you at lunch in Mrs. Bucher's room! Short devotion time plus game time equals a fun time!
- 7th and 8th grade students--today you will continue to go to your 1st nine weeks specials. You will switch to your 2nd 9 weeks specials on Monday.
- Picture retake day will be Tuesday, November 16. Flyers will go home on Friday. If you were absent on picture day or unhappy with your picture, please plan on getting your picture taken that day. Seniors, this picture is used for the wall composite that hangs in the hallway. If you weren't happy with your original picture, this is your chance to try again!
Tuesday Additions:
- 7th and 8th grade students--today and tomorrow you will continue to go to your 1st nine weeks specials. You will switch to your 2nd 9 weeks specials on Thursday.
- Anyone interested in HS wrestling there will be a meeting today during lunch in the Bob Abbey Gym!
- Mrs. Mohr does not have a sub today. 3rd period will report to study hall as usual. Afternoon classes please report to the HS office for further direction.
- Seniors, Your T-Shirt Order forms and money are due to the HS Office Friday.
- Winter athletic pictures are on Monday, Nov. 15. We will do a senior athlete group picture in the Abbey Gym at 3:10 PM right after school. Senior athletes please plan to attend.
- FCH... Fellowship of Christian Hornets will meet this Wednesday, November 10th, during lunch time in Mrs. Bucher's room! Come join us! See what we are all about!
- There will be a short informational high school baseball meeting this Friday right after school in the old cafeteria. This meeting should last 5-10 minutes. Anyone interested in playing baseball this spring please plan to attend.
Monday Announcements: Continue working on your work!