Friday Additions:
- Seniors-Scholarships have been posted on Mrs. Barnharts website. You can her page under the staff directory on the school website.
Thursday Additions:
- The Fall Funfest is now moved to Friday, Oct. 29th. We will continue to sell tickets at lunch for 5.00 each prior to that time. Please ask Mrs. Stockwell if you have any questions.
Wednesday Additions:
- The Tech Club will be having an informational meeting during lunch this Friday. Bring your lunch to the art room to find out what it is all about!
Tuesday Additions:
- Mrs. Stockwell's English classes - please go to study hall on Tuesday and Wednesday and work on assignments posted to Google Classroom; please also bring your Independent Reading books.
- 7th and 8th grade band members: please bring chrome books to class today
- 7-8 Student Council is hosting a Fall Fun Fest for 7th and 8th graders next Friday, October 15th from 3:05-6:30! There will be pizza, snacks, games, treat bags and a costume contest! Tickets are $5.00 each and will be on sale in the Old Cafeteria every day at lunch next week. We are still in need of 2-3 more adult chaperones for this event. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Stockwell.
- Fellowship of Christian Hornets meets this Wednesday, October 13th! We have a guest speaker to kick off our year! We will meet out on the benches by the elementary play ground weather permitting. If inclement weather, we will meet in the Bob Abbey Gym. If coming to the meeting, go to the front of the lunch line so you can get to the meeting in a timely fashion! Come and help plan our year! Questions, please ask Matthew Bechtol, Brynn Reese, Paige McVetta, Marah Price, or Mrs. Bucher. Join us for fellowship and fun! FCH Strong!
- Yearbook is looking for pictures from the Homecoming Dance! Please share what you have with yearbook by emailing the staff at We greatly appreciate you sharing your homecoming photos!
- There is a sign up sheet on Mr. Mertz's door for any high school student interested in Quiz Bowl. Please sign up to be a part of the reigning Hancock County champion team!