Friday Additions:

  • No new announcements

Wednesday Additions:

  • All high school wrestlers, meet in Coach Parkins' room during lunch today, for a brief meeting.

  • There will be signups today during lunch for the lunch dodgeball competition that begins on Friday. Be sure to sign your team of 5 up and check your email for more details!

Tuesday Additions:

  • Junior High FCH will meet this Wednesday during lunch in Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Shulte's rooms. Politely go to the front of the line, ask for a styrofoam tray, and join us for a message from Rory, Ayla, and Micah. Hope to see you there!

  • Reminder students to check your emails about the Safe Circle Group meeting today. Be sure to sign up through the email sign up. Meet by Mr.Sherer’s room at the start of Empire.

  • Congratulations to Becca and Carrie Ludwig who both competed at the State Public Speaking CDE over the weekend. Carrie placed 5th in Creed prelims and Becca placed 5th in Extemp Prelims!

Monday Announcements:

  • If you are a senior and have been a 4 year member of band or choir and wish to apply for the Music Booster scholarship, please see Mrs. Davis or Mrs. Glenn for an application. Materials must be turned in by April 15th.

  • High School Fellowship of Christian Hornets will meet Tuesday, March 4th, in the old high school cafeteria during lunchtime. Mr. Heath Huffman, previous teacher and administrator at Cory-Rawson, will be our guest speaker. Mr. Huffman is excited to come and share a message with all of you. Please go to the front of the lunch line and ask for a Styrofoam tray. See you Tuesday!