Friday Additions:
Congratulations to the JH and HS bands on a wonderful concert last night.
In honor of the Book Fair and Right-to-Read Week are coming to Cory-Rawson next week, we will have dress-up days focused on the theme of "Reading is Farm-Tastic!" Monday is dress like a farmer day; wear bibs or Carhartts.
Wrestlers released at 11:15 today.
Thursday additions:
Mrs. Cavin's students please report to Ms. Shumway's class today
Wednesday additions:
no new additions
Tuesday additions:
Seniors: The NWCC Shively Scholarship is available in Mr. Scott's office. Applications are due back to Mr. Scott by March 3.
Miss Shumway's morning classes need to report to Mrs Welch's Study hall for periods 2,3, and 4. 2nd period has an assignment posted on Google classroom.
Monday Announcements:
Reminder business and internal business report to bus for field trip at 12:05 today
The Hornet Wrestling Team has 6 placers at the Sectional tournament this past weekend. Placers are as follows:
Hayden Walters":2nd, District Qualifier
Zyven Smith: 2nd, District Qualifier
Jaiden Smith: 2nd, District Qualifier
Wes Thomas: 5th, District Alternate
Hunter Niese: 5th, District Alternate
Conner Niese: 6th place
Two more indoor records were broken this weekend at the indoor meet. This year 4 records have been broken. Congratulations to Jaylin Patterson for breaking the PV record clearing 7’8 and to Cara Garver for breaking the 800 record with a time of 2:41.87.