Wednesday Additions:

  • Juniors - If you have not yet turned in your permission form to leave after the ACT these are due Friday. Additional copies can be found in the HS office.

  • JH FCH will meet today in Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Schulte's Rooms. Come hear from Morgan and Jacob Piercefield which are the Youth Pastors at Lima First Church. Remember to exuse yourself to the front of the lunchline and ask for a styrofoam tray.

  • Mrs. Stockwell's Empire will meet in her classroom through March 9th due to the Book Fair.

  • The Wrestling Team Placed 3rd as a team at the BVC Tournament. 9 wrestlers placed in the top 4. Placers are as follows:

    Hayden Walters: 1st

    Zyven Smith: 1st

    Jaiden Smith: 2nd

    Hunter Niese: 2nd

    Wesley Thomas: 3rd

    Mason Hall: 3rd

    Nolan Johnson: 4th

    Zac Wooton: 4th

    Landon Burnett: 4th

Tuesday Announcements:

  • High school Fellowship of Christian Hornets will meet today during high school lunch in the old cafeteria / high school commons area. Please go to the front of the lunch line and ask for a Styrofoam tray! Mr. Ben Thiel will be our guest speaker and we will be going over the questions and prayer concerns from our last meeting! See you at lunch for an engaging discussion time!

  • Mrs. Stockwell's 5th period study hall will meet in her classroom for the next three weeks due to the Book Fair.