Thursday Additions:
Reminder: There will be construction taking place behind the AG shop Friday. Busses will not be able to enter or exit from behind the school building therefore they will be picking up and dropping off students at the B5 (Band Doors) on Friday. Please use extra caution and drive slowly as you enter and exit the East parking lot.
Wednesday Additions:
No new additions! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Tuesday Additions:
There will be a HS Student Council meeting during EMPIRE on Wednesday. Please meet in the JH commons area.
The 5-12 Choir Concert originally scheduled for tonight has been postponed until 3/19.
Attention all Drivers. There will be construction taking place behind the AG shop starting on Thursday and possibly going through Friday. Busses will not be able to enter or exit from behind the school building therefore they will be picking up and dropping off students at the B5 (Band Doors) on Thursday and possibly Friday. Please use extra caution and drive slowly as you enter and exit the East parking lot.
Morning Announcements:
This year's prom will be on April 20th at the Hilton Garden Inn in Findlay. Junior Class officers will be selling prom tickets during lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the whole month of March. Tickets are $20 each and include a dinner, dancing and a keepsake. If you are not here at lunch, contact Mrs. Stockwell to purchase tickets. Remember to get a guest form if you are bringing a non-CR student.
Go Green on Friday, March 15th! Student Council will be hosting a St. Patrick's/Green Spirit day! There will be a prize given to one student from each class and one staff member for being the most spirited!
If you are participating in the St. Patrick's spirit day contest, be sure to stop by Mrs. Mohr's room or find a student council member in the cafeteria to get your picture taken for contest voting! Voting will take place via google form after lunch!
Staff members! Student Council is presenting Jean Week from March 18th - March 22nd! If you are interested in participating, the cost will be $5 for the week and money can be dropped off in the high school office, elementary office, or given to Mrs. Mohr.
Wednesday is Club and Organization Picture Day! Please plan accordingly. Yearbook Staff will also be around to take classroom candids throughout the day.
Juniors and Seniors - you have been emailed a survey about prom; please fill it out ASAP. Thanks!
Tomorrow is Tackle Boris Tuesday - Wear Green to support Connor!